【Laurent Lafforgue】菲尔兹奖得主Laurent Lafforgue“大师论坛”学术报告会


报告题目:Glimpses on Grothendieck toposes in the perspective of AI(人工智能视角下的Grothendieck拓扑斯一瞥)

报告人Laurent Lafforgue(菲尔兹奖得主、法国科学院院士)




Grothendieck's notion of topos is one of the broadest and richest in mathematics. It can be approached from several completely different points of view, thus making it possible to connect parts of mathematics that seemed a priori alien to each other.

Surprisingly, it is both highly abstract and primitive in the sense that it directly embodies basic intuitions and capacities of the human mind that would have seemed a priori pre-mathematical or meta-mathematical.

These aspects of toposes have led engineers to seize upon this notion in order to model and theorise different aspects of artificial intelligence.

Some research directions are already being actively explored, while others are waiting for more mathematicians, computer scientists and engineers to be trained in the study of Grothendieck toposes.


Laurent Lafforgue是菲尔兹奖得主。曾任法国国家科学研究中心主任研究员、法国高等科学研究所数学终身教授。2000年荣获克雷研究奖(Clay Research Award),2001年荣获法国科学院颁发的雅克•赫尔布兰德奖(Jacques Herbrand Prize)。2002年在第24 届国际数学家大会上,Laurent Lafforgue因在数论和代数几何方面的突出贡献荣获菲尔兹奖(Fields Medal)。2003年荣获法国政府颁发的荣誉骑士级勋章,同年当选法国科学院院士。Laurent Lafforgue秉承同是菲尔兹奖得主 Vladimir Drinfeld证明GL2的方法,将朗兰兹猜想推广到在特征为正的代数曲线函数域的GLn上成立。Laurent Lafforgue二百多页简洁的证明可谓是天才之作,充分展现了其作为一名伟大数学家所具有的恒心和毅力。